Managed Eventstore on a budget

I am designing a logging-application for my local club. I would really like to use Eventstore as its source of truth. It is important for the club to have a safe record of the logs, which is why I’m looking at a managed service.
The cheapest cloud solution of Eventstore is around 100,- per month. For a club who is used to paying 10,- a month for php and mysql shared hosting you can imagine this just is too much of an increase.
Is there a plan for small non-profit clubs to ise Eventstore Cloud for something like a couple euro’s or dollars a month?

If not, what would be a good method to run a EventstoreDB container on the same virtual machine as I am running my app service AND make sure the events are persisted and can be backed up?

Thank you!

you can run EventStore in a docker container
this should give you a good starting point : Installation | EventStoreDB Documentation

Make sure you pin the version though instead of using eventstore/eventstore:latest

(23.10 is LTS , 24.2 & 24.6 are STS , next LTS is 24.10)

I have been running a Eventstore image in some sideprojects with success, but now I want to implement it and be sure the events are persisted even if the docker container and volume get destroyed

Not being able to do that might come from not knowing enough about docker. Is there an example of a docker setup with a docker-compose file where the events can get stored on a volume which can be backed up, that does not get lost when the docker containers and volumes get removed?

Our docs have a proper Docker Compose sample with mounted volumes. You cannot have any database survive data destruction, I am not sure what you mean that events must be persisted even if the volume is destroyed. Docker can map local directories as volumes and you can back up those directories, but if data is gone - it’s gone.

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except the docker-compose doesn’t work OOTB

also - and this might be wsl - there is a permission issue writing to /var/lib etc

I haven’t been able successfuly to use docker-compose to a mounted volume which I can backup manually unfortunately. Maybe I’m looking at a wrong example? Could you point me to an example in the docs please?

For some reason, the docker compose file doesn’t work for me at all with the latest version, I asked engineers to look at it. Will post an update later.

I think we can add mounted volumes part to the compose file. I know people are doing it.

We are going to provide a better option for that :slight_smile:

That is great to hear! Looking forward to hearing more

We are going to provide a better option for that

Can you provide more info? Estimate on when and how much?

I don’t yet know ho much, but we’ll launch a new cloud service in public preview mode in January.

Cheaper options were available in public preview until now, the GA version is expected next week.